Coach Joe Mazzulla Issues A Statement Ahead Of Game Against...
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Coach Joe Mazzulla Issues A Statement Ahead Of Game Against The 2-28 Detroit Pistons



The top Eastern Conference coach is unwilling to underestimate the 2-28 Pistons.

Joe Mazzulla hopes Celtics can learn valuable lesson from In-Season  Tournament

The Detroit Pistons are desperate for a win to avoid further humiliation this season, despite being on a historic losing streak. Unfortunately, with a game against the top seed in the East tonight, the losing streak is unlikely to end, and the Celtics should cruise to victory. Despite the Pistons’ record, Cs coach Joe Mazzulla was wary of underestimating their opponents.

“I think there’s the expectation that it’s supposed to go a certain way or it’s supposed to be easy and that’s just not the case,” Mazz said. “Just playing the game regardless of the other team’s record and I think sometimes you get caught up in this team should be up by this much at first quarter, half-time, and that’s just not how it works. It’s an NBA game, they’re NBA players, they’re healthy, they’re playing really hard, and they’ve been in a lot of games. So we have to have the same mindset we’ve been playing with the stretch of good basketball we’ve been playing.”

Joe Mazzulla with highest winning percentage in NBA history - Blue Gold  Sports

The Celtics are 23-6 heading into tonight’s game against the Detroit Pistons, and they are on pace to finish with the best record in the league. Against a team this bad, the Cs should have no trouble winning, but stranger things have happened in the NBA, and they aren’t about to fall asleep.

When Will the Streak Come to an End?

This Sad Stat Shows How Historically Bad the Detroit Pistons Season Is

When it comes to the Pistons, this season has been a complete disaster. Despite Joe Mazzulla’s encouraging words, they’ve been the league’s laughingstock thus far, and their 27-game losing streak has become a national story. But, with a win out of the question for tonight, when will this historic run come to an end?

Following their game against Boston on Thursday, the Pistons will face the Raptors, Rockets, Jazz, and Warriors. However, their most winnable game isn’t until January 10th against the San Antonio Spurs. Detroit has a chance to win at home against the worst team in the West, but they’ve already lost to the Wizards, Trail Blazers, and injury-plagued Utah Jazz this season.

Who Is Responsible?

Detroit Pistons: The Pistons are so bad they're evoking the Process-era  76ers

The most pressing question in Detroit right now is who is to blame for the city’s ongoing problems. The players are to blame for the decline, as their youth and inexperience have resulted in numerous errors on the court. However, the Pistons’ front office may be the most to blame for this run. They’ve done very little to improve the roster over the years and have squandered countless draft picks despite consistently finishing in the lottery.

Some fans have even blamed head coach Monty Williams for the team’s poor performance, citing questionable rotations as evidence that he isn’t cut out for the job. Regardless of who is to blame, the Pistons must accept some level of responsibility, or they will remain in this rut until some changes are made. They have the opportunity to stop the bleeding right now, but this team lacks the resources to compete with the best of the best.



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