Prominent Palestine group send open letter to Celtic Board
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Prominent Palestine group send open letter to Celtic Board



The Aida Refugee Camp’s Palestinian group reached out to the Celtic board on Monday, advocating reconsidering the suspension imposed on the Green Brigade. The suspension of approximately 200 Green Brigade members’ season tickets was a response to what has been described as “repeated incidents of unacceptable behaviour,” compounded by escalating fines from UEFA.

The Scottish Champions recently faced a £15,200 fine from UEFA following the display of “provocative messages of an offensive nature” during a Champions League clash against Atletico Madrid. This action by Celtic fans, despite prior warnings against showcasing Palestinian flags during the match, has intensified the scrutiny on the club. However, CeltsAreHere has been told by a source close to the situation, the waving of Palestinian flags is not what the club got their fine.

The Green Brigade’s association with Palestinian causes, notably through funding Aida Celtic – a football team in the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem, has been a defining aspect of their identity. The recent UEFA sanctions have prompted a poignant response from this group, highlighting their perspective on the situation and the role of Celtic fans in their struggle.


A statement from the group underlines the depth of their gratitude towards Celtic fans and the Green Brigade: “On behalf of Lajee Celtic League in Aida Refugee Camp, Palestine, we’d like to share our gratitude for the Celtic FC fans and the Green Brigade for their unwavering support of Palestine. This support goes beyond sports, it is a symbol of solidarity against the oppression of the Palestinian people. Our partnership with the Green Brigade allows us to host several teams with various ages of boys and young men to carry out their dreams of being a football player in well-renowned league, unifying and empowering communities to bring hope through sports. As football is known to be an internationally loved sport, our young athletes grew up playing football wherever they could within the camp.

“With little space due to the constraints of the refugee camp and very few football fields available, they dream of one day becoming professional football players and hope to have a Palestinian team that is well recognised around the world, playing against other professional teams and players in stadiums such as Celtic Park. Receiving the moral support of the Celtic FC fans and Green Brigade means so much to the people of Palestine.

“Palestinians and supporters are under extreme scrutiny from the international community, and now more than ever, raising the flag has been considered a crime punishable by serving time or paying fines, in Palestine and in many countries around the world. It has become symbolic and evermore important to fly our flag to defy those who continue to silence us. After the public display of the Palestinian flags during the Celtic match on the 25th of October, it not only provided Palestinians with hope, but also gave us great honour to be recognised by a famous European football team and showed our people that the world knows of our struggle and are standing with us during these horrific times.

“However, we were saddened by the decision of the UEFA to impose a fine and a ban on the Green Brigade for showcasing their support for Palestine and the Palestinian people under a genocidal war as we speak. Not only does this decision raise concerns on the limitations of free speech, but also sends a strong and dangerous message to the Palestinians and their oppressors. We hope the Celtic Football Club reconsiders their decision in punishing groups or specific people for their support of our cause.”

In the aftermath of the 2-2 draw against Atletico Madrid in Glasgow on October 25, Celtic received a total fine of £25,000 from UEFA, of which £15,000 was attributed to the display of a “provocative message of an offensive nature.” The remaining fines were due to “blocking of public passageways” and “lighting of fireworks,” with no specific mention of the Palestine flag display.

As Celtic fan media, we at CeltsAreHere sincerely hope for a satisfactory resolution to this situation, both for the Green Brigade and the club, fostering an environment where passion for football and social consciousness can coexist harmoniously.



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