The Lazio Away Day is turning into a farce.
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The Lazio Away Day is turning into a farce.



As Celtic prepares for their upcoming match against Lazio on Tuesday evening, the focus is not only on the anticipated on-field action, but also on the significant challenges that Celtic fans face when travelling to support their team. The away ticket allocation for Celtic has been significantly reduced to 3,600, a significant decrease from previous Europa League ties in Rome, highlighting the changing landscape of football fan travel.

This reduced ticket allocation is believed to have been heavily influenced by local authorities, with safety and risk assessments taking precedence. While such measures are necessary for safety, they inevitably lead to disappointment for many fans, who now have a more difficult time securing a seat in the stadium.

To complicate matters further, Lazio officials have issued a strict warning to Celtic, emphasising the importance of strict identity checks at the stadium entrance. Fans must present their passports, and the name on the ticket must match the name on the passport. This rule reflects a growing trend in European football to improve security, but it also introduces logistical challenges. Notably, copies of passports are not permitted, a stipulation that may cause concern among fans concerned about carrying essential identification documents in a foreign country.

The strict measures don’t stop there. Celtic fans must submit images of any banners they intend to bring to the stadium in an unprecedented move. Lazio must first approve these banners.

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While these regulations are in place to ensure the safety and security of all attendees, they undoubtedly have an impact on Celtic fans’ overall experience of an away game. The atmosphere of European nights is frequently fueled by the passionate and vibrant support of away fans, and these constraints may dampen the spirit usually brought by the Celtic faithful.


Celtic has responded by being proactive in communicating these requirements to its supporters, ensuring that those travelling are fully aware of the expectations and constraints in place.


It’s worth noting that some Celtics fans attending the game do not yet have a duplicate of their ticket. We believe they’re starting to make their way through now.


As Tuesday night approaches, Celtic fans, both local and away, will undoubtedly rally behind the team, hoping for a memorable performance despite the less-than-ideal circumstances surrounding their away support.


In other news, If the deal is completed, a pundit claims that “a lot of money” will be heading Celtic’s way

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